RE: [nsp] Question about BGP routing damping

From: Zaheer Aziz (
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 13:14:23 EDT

At 10:12 AM 07/24/2000 -0400, David Curran wrote:
>Nobody mentioned that this could be alleviated with the "no synch" command.
>Am I to assume this means that no one uses it?

There is no relationship bw dampening and synchronization? sync only applies
on IBGP neighbors and dampening only applies on EBGP neighbors. How do they relate?

Zaheer Aziz
Cisco Sys Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Zaheer Aziz []
>Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 10:03 AM
>Subject: Re: [nsp] Question about BGP routing damping
>At 02:55 PM 07/21/2000 -0400, Tatsuya Kawasaki wrote:
>>I have a simple bgp question.
>>In the BGP statement, we defined the network.
>>I thought network statement in the bgp statement is
>>independent of internal routing protocol.
>>Even if we lost the connectivity to a network,
>>which does not cause BGP routing damping or does it?
>>Only time that BGP routing damping occurs when you lose the connection
>>to peer provided that we do not change any configuration change?
>if the connection to peer meaning relationship is lost that we delete
>everything and no dampening happens.
>if prefixes are withdrawn from EBGP neighbor than dampening is applied
>>Or am I missing something?
>>Tatsuya Kawasaki
>>Allegiance Telecom
>>Unlock the Power of the Internet
>>Phone 301.215.6777 Fa 301.215.5991
>>Affiliation given for identification not representation

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