Re: NAT using only a real interface?

From: Andrew (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 21:39:31 EST

Are you asking if you can have a PRIMARY address of on E0
and THEN put a secondary address of on the SAME interface
and THEN NAT between the two? If that is your question then no (and WHY?)

If you are asking if IP address 'A' can be placed on ethernet interface '0'
and then IP address 'B' placed on ethernet interface '1' and then NAT
between the two then YES.

If you need documentation on how: and search for 'Network Address Translation' in the
Technical Documents area.


At 07:34 PM 1/17/01 -0500, Salvatore Privitera wrote:
>HI all,
>We have Cisco 2600 connected to internet using public IP
>address on the eth0/0 port.
>Is possible, using only that ethernet port, create a intranet LAN using
> space and natting on o the ethernet interface? How I set ip
>nat inside/ ip nat outside setting? I need to create loopback or null
>interface to do so?

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