Re: [nsp] MSFC CPU Utilization Pegged at 99%....but a sh proc cpu does not reveal anything past 1%

From: Jared Mauch (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 16:06:35 EST

        You may want to run 12.1(5a)E3

        It's got fixes for some hsrp and other related issues that we
have had problems with.

        Anyone else having major problems with your 6509's?

        - Jared

On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 02:48:02PM -0500, Greene, Patrick wrote:
> Have a 6509 with 2 MSFC's. The MSFC's are running 12.1(2)E. Just had one
> of the MSFC's spike to 99%. A sh proc cpu reveals that total utlization
> should add up to about 5%. A reload of the module causes the exact same
> thing. A no changes have been made. Anybody seen this before. Also, the
> other MSFC and Switch Utilization are both showing about 3-5%, which is
> normal.
> Thank You,
> Patrick Greene

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from
clue++;      |  My statements are only mine.
END OF LINE  | Manager of IP networks built within my own home

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