You may want to run 12.1(5a)E3
It's got fixes for some hsrp and other related issues that we
have had problems with.
Anyone else having major problems with your 6509's?
- Jared
On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 02:48:02PM -0500, Greene, Patrick wrote:
> Have a 6509 with 2 MSFC's. The MSFC's are running 12.1(2)E. Just had one
> of the MSFC's spike to 99%. A sh proc cpu reveals that total utlization
> should add up to about 5%. A reload of the module causes the exact same
> thing. A no changes have been made. Anybody seen this before. Also, the
> other MSFC and Switch Utilization are both showing about 3-5%, which is
> normal.
> Thank You,
> Patrick Greene
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from clue++; | My statements are only mine. END OF LINE | Manager of IP networks built within my own home
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