Re: [nsp] [nsp] VIP if-con and IOS switching (was: Monitoring DoS

From: Eric Osborne (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 15:06:53 EDT

> > the "if-con" command is not listed int the 7513 help. I need it
> > to check our VIP2-50's CPU and memory. I'm still looking for possible
> > caveats if any.
> > Found one only for 12.0T for possible router reload if the "show line"
> > command is issued.
> Be very careful here. As with all undocumented IOS commands, there
> are risks with each revision of the IOS code.

I couldn't agree more. If you are the type of customer who likes to
know caveats for each command and needs documentation for every
command you could type, then if-con is not for you. If you want to
see traffic flows on the VIP, export netflow data to a collector and
examine the collector data.

However, if-con has proven extremely useful for a few things - mainly
troubleshooting, but also checking netflow cache without having to
export to a collector first.

From experience, if-con works just fine for show commands. As long as
you limit your interaction with the VIP to asking it questions, and
don't try things like changing the config (VIPs don't have NVRAM, and
get their config from the RSP) or reloading the VIP, then you're fine.
And work is being done to allow you to gather the VIP's netflow cache
information without having to if-con. I suspect this will be via
something like 'show controller vip slot <x> route-cache' or
thereabouts, but I'm not sure.


From jared@puck.nethÔõÅ;et
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Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 11:23:54 -0400
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Subject: RE: [nsp] OSPF not dMíÅ;ib
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Resent-From: jarÔõÅ;uc
Resent-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 15:08:18 -0400

The reason that this is noÔõÅ;ef
type 2 route with a much higher AD and does not increase its metric through
and definitely is not as clean. In and of itself this isÔõÅ; n
"evil", however in large networks with multiple redundant paths, etc this is
not "best practice" the best practÔõÅ;is
the passive state that you do not want to actively participate in IGP

-----Original Message-----
From: DavÔõÅ;ur
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 2:38 PM

By what other method, short of a static routes, which to a dynamic
interfaces? IMHO it's a very useful comand when you want all youÔõÅ;te
them. Or, for that matter, interfaces that run other IGÔõÅ;
it is such an "evil" command?

-David Curran

On 24 ÔõÅ;20
> I just shudder at the fact that people are even thinking about using
> 'redist conÔõÅ;ed
> interfaces into OSPF. Bug or not, I've never been in a situation ÔõÅ;e
> the nsp mailing list) it's an evil command aÔõÅ;ea
> sane config that requires its use where there wasn't a better way of
> getting those interfaces intÔõÅ;ur
> I'd be quite happy if csco got rid of it...
> Thanks,
> Chris
> >
> > > Having the interface IP matchÔõÅ; n
> > > interface to run ospf, this is separate issue from passing that
> > > specific connectÔõÅ;ou
> > > into ospf.
> >
> > It sounds like you are disagreeing with what Ken said,ÔõÅ;
> > is correct. When a network statement matches an interface's
> > subnet, that
> > subnet will get dÔõÅ;d
> > area route. If
> > you 'redistribute connected', you shove it in as an external r

From jared@puck.nethÔõÅ;et
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Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 21:51:40 -0400
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From: Bryan Ginman <BGinman@iSolve.ÔõÅ;
   "' '"
Cc: "'cisco-nsp@puck.ÕõÅ;er
Subject: RE: [nsp] OSPF not distributing 1 interface
Old-Date: Fri, 25
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Resent-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 15:08:22ÕõÅ;00

The reason that this is not preferable is that it injects it as a External
type 2 rÕõÅ; w
the area. This can cause problems in large networks if you aÕõÅ;ot
and definitely is not as clean. In and of itself this is not necessarily
"evil", however in large networks with mÕõÅ;pl
not "best practice" the best practice is to run the IGP on all interfaces in
the passive stÕõÅ;th

Bryan Ginman
Vice-President, Network ServicÕõÅ;bg

-----Original Message-----
From: David Curran
Cc: cisco-nsÕõÅ;ck
Sent: 5/25/01 2:38 PM
Subject: RE: [nsp] OSPF not distributing 1 interface

By what other method, short of a sÕõÅ;c
protocol are just as bad, do you insert routes for all your connected
interfaces? IMHO it's a ÕõÅ; u
interfaces to be advertised but do not necessarily run OSPF on all of
them. Or, for tÕõÅ;ma

I've never heard of this being an issue, I'd be interested to hear why
it is such aÕõÅ;vi

-David Curran

On 24 May 2001 06:04:53 -0400, Chris Whyte wrote:
> I just shudder at the fact that people areÕõÅ;n
> 'redist connected' as an option to get routes associated with
> interfaces into OSPF. BugÕõÅ;no
> had to result to using this approach. In large networks (since this
> the ÕõÅ;ma
> sane config that requires its use where there wasn't a bettÕõÅ;ay
> gEtting those interfaces into your igp.
> I'd be quite happy if csco got rid of it...
> Thanks,
> Chris
> > > interface to run ospf, this is separate issue ÕõÅ; p
> > > specific connected route or other routes from the routing table
> > > into ospf.
> >
> > It sounds likeÕõÅ; a
> > what Ken said
> > is correct. When a network statement matches an interface'sÕõÅ;>
> > subnet will get dumped into the routing table as an intra
> > area route. If
> > you 'redistribute connÕõÅ;d'

> >
> >

From jared@puck.nethÕõÅ;et
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Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 15:19:27 -0400
X-From_: MíÅ; M ([])
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        (envelope-from BGinÕõÅ;iS
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        Id <LRX2BYQ8>; Fri, 25 May 2001 15:19:21 -0400
Message-ID: <05B8F53F99E
To: "'David Curran'" <>,
Subject: RE: [nsp] OSPF not ÕõÅ;ri
Old-Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 15:19:19 -0400
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Resent-From: jaÕõÅ;pu
Resent-Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 15:08:39 -0400

The reason that this is nÕõÅ;re
type 2 route with a much higher AD and does not increase its metric through
and definitely is not as clean. In and of itself this iÕõÅ;t
"evil", however in large networks with multiple redundant paths, etc this is
not "best practice" the best pracÕõÅ; i
the passive state that you do not want to actively participate in IGP
Vice-President, Network Services

-----Original Message-----
From: DaÕõÅ;Cu
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 2:38 PM

By what other method, short of a static routes, which to a dynamic
interfaces? IMHO it's a very useful comand when you want all yoÕõÅ;nt
them. Or, for that matter, interfaces that run other IÕõÅ;

it is such an "evil" command?

-David Curran

On 24MíÅ; 2
> 'redist coÕõÅ;te
> interfaces into OSPF. Bug or not, I've never been in a situationÕõÅ;re
> haD to result to using this approach. In large networks (since this is
> the nsp mailing list) it's an evil command ÕõÅ;re
> sane config that requires its use where there wasn't a better way of
> getting those interfaces inÕõÅ;ou

> I'd be quite happy if csco got rid of it...
> Thanks,
> Chris
> >
> > > Having the interface IP matcÕõÅ;e
> > > interface to run ospf, this is separate issue from passing that
> > > specific connecÕõÅ;ro
> > > into ospf.
> >
> > It sounds like you are disagreeing with what Ken saidÕõÅ;t
> > is correct. When a network statement matches an interface's
> > subnet, that
> > subnet will get ÕõÅ;ed
> > area route. If
> > you 'redistribute connected', you shove it in as an external
> >
> >

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