Re: [nsp] lossy dot1q on geip+ / 7500

From: Jim Warner (warner@cats.UCSC.EDU)
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 11:44:42 EDT

Rob said:

> I'm running one, and having intermittent packet loss issues. Trouble
> is particularly noticeable on inter-vlan traffic (on the same geip)
> and is alleviated a bit by turning off distributed cef.

While we are not seeing any packet loss (and we're not using
802.1q) we are seeing a strange delay on packets received by
the GEIP+. The delay intervals are a distribution ranging
between 1 and about 30 mS on traffic through the router. It
shows up when we ping the router, too -- but we know that's
not a good test. There is no delay on packets that arrive
on another interface and exit the router on the GEIP+.

We have not made any progress on this with TAC. They have
been scrounging around attempting to find a spare to send us.
It appears that the TAC supply of NBD spares of the GEIP is

Typically, when parts are hard to find, it's because of either

  o The economy is booming and demand has skyrocketed

  -- or --

  o There's a manufacturing hold because some sort of problem
     has been detected with the product.

That is pure speculation on my part. I do know that TAC has
not been able to tell me _why_ they can't meet their contract

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