Re: [nsp] release notes for 12.2(2)T?

From: Gert Doering (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 16:59:48 EDT


On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:39:47PM -0700, Siva Valliappan wrote:
> afaik we are not going to "officially" support 12.2()T images for the
> 2500 as it will no longer fit into 16 megs of flash (granted that the
> smaller feature sets will fit into the flash). only 12.2() mainline
> images will be supported for the 2500.

This will *really* piss of lots of people. I know a fair number of people
that want to start building IPv6 test networks, and they fairly often have
250x'es lying around that would do this nicely ("1 million sold"...!).

Most of the people wanting IPv6 now do not run IPX or Appletalk or IBM SNA
on the same box - and they most certainly don't want to run 12.2T on
production machines, at least not before 12.2(5)T or so.

My two "official" IPv6 test routers right now are 2503s, one of them with
lots of tunnels, the other one peering natively at the first IPv6 ready
exchange point in Germany, and I will have a hard time getting management
to pay for a bigger test router (a few more IPv6 routers here are 1603's,
which can handle even the biggest images easily if you put in a 16Mb card
and -l images...).

(Did I mention that it's overdue to get custom-linkable images? On my home
1603, I want IP, IPv6, EIGRP, OSPF, Ethernet, ISDN leased lines and PIM.
I do not need ISDN dialup, nor X.25 frame relay or ATM. Neither BGP nor
briding, no DVMRP, no integrated http server, no radius, tacacs, etc.
support. But I do have to purchase a bigger PCMCIA flash card because
I can get IPv6 only as a big fat bundle with lots of stuff I don't need...
and the very same problem leads to sudden EOL of the 2500 series)

> i realize that some customers
> would be comfortable with just running the smaller feature sets on
> the 2500 and would like there to be support.

Most definitely.

> i will ping some IOS PMs
> internally, and would suggest that customers who are interested in support
> for smaller feature sets with the 2500 and other similar platforms ping
> their relevant account teams to apply some marketing muscle as well :)

Yep. Will do. Thanks for bringing a bit of light into this.


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-35655025              

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