80 meter Serial cable for PIX failover workig..fine...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dpm@flametree.com [mailto:dpm@flametree.com]
> Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 1:50 AM
> To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Cc: Rolands Truls
> Subject: Re: PIX failover
> Rolands@lattelekom.lv said:
> > Is it possible to do statefull failover with using only one Ethernet
> > link between two PIXes? Is it mandatory to use serial (rs232) cable
> > additional for that? If yes, is it possible to create "rsr232 link"
> > extension over IP using let say 2509 async ports? We want
> to put our
> > PIXes in different sites.
> The failover cable is more than a straight serial connection.
> Some of the
> pins are looped back on each end to let the PIX know
> something about its
> failover partner. Other pins use whether or not there is a
> signal on the
> line to indicate if the remote unit is powered, etc. You
> might be able to
> jury-rig a cable, but you would likely "trick" the PIX into
> behaving badly
> during a failure.
> I would probably say that if your architecture makes you want
> to put your
> PIXen at two different sites, then the architecture probably
> isn't well
> suited for the PIX. Metro-Area Ethernet does introduce some
> interesting
> failover opportunities, but I'm not sure if the PIX is quite ready to
> handle that case yet.
> --
> David P. Maynard, CTO
> OutServ.net, Inc. -- Managed IT Operations Solutions for
> Business [TM]
> EMail: dmaynard@outserv.net, Tel: +1 512 977 8918, Fax: +1
> 512 977 0986
> --
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