Jacob Worthington jworth at SCN.ORG
Tue Jun 24 06:16:59 EDT 1997

               :::::  DENTRON  AT-1K  ANTENNA  TUNER  :::::


 Power Handling:        1200 w PEP input,  1 KW CW input

 Metering:              Relative forward power + SWR

 Antenna Switching:     Coaxial cable  (50 / 75 ohm)
                                      Random wire
                                      Balanced output  (ext balun)
                                      Bypass  (tuner out of circuit)
                                      Alt  (coax to 2nd ant or dummy load)

 Dimensions:    3.75" H  X  10" W  X  9.5" D

 Weight:                7 pounds

 Color:         Black steel case with white lettering

This unit is in absolutely perfect condition.  100% original.  No
mods. No scratches. No stains. Absolutely NO arc-overs or flash-overs
from excessive power input.

This unit was manufactured in the mid-70s, and is one of the last
affordable REAL antenna tuners. In other words, it is ruggedly
construct and built to last.

E-mail if you need additional information.

PRICE:   $110  (I pay UPS / RPS shipping)

Jacob Worthington
Conway, Arkansas, USA

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