[Fwd: The boatanchor symbol]

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Aug 5 05:16:01 EDT 1998

Bruce et al:

Since the opportunities for a classical education are virtually extinct here in the Colonies, I wonder if one of the more
erudite among us could translate the Latin contained in the message from GM8APX?  (Laborant montes, parturiant haec mus.)

Of course, in ancient Rome, it would have been written thus:


Just curious!



Bruce Sugarberg wrote:

>                                                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: The boatanchor symbol
> Date: 4 Aug 1998 22:26:02 GMT
> From: b.h.jarvis at hw.ac.uk
> Organization: Heriot-Watt University
> Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors,rec.audio.tubes,rec.antiques.radio+phono
> References: <stokes-0308981001250001 at backstep.larc.nasa.gov>
> Don't forget that on sterling silver hallmarked in the UK, a little
> anchor with a bit of chain signifies "Made in Birmingham" - possibly
> because Birmingham's Assay Office is the furthest from the sea?
> ============   =====   =====   BILL J.   =====   =====   ============
> GM8APX, qthr                                  Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
> Laborant montes, parturiunt haec mus
> Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Registered

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