Trade SG-85B/URM-25D

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Tue Dec 8 18:24:28 EST 1998

Followers of radios that glow in the dark,
I have the subject sig gen for trade. Trade for a Kenwood SW-2000 HF
wattmeter. Serial number on the sig gen is 66150. Sorry no manual. Works
just fine. I have three other sig gens and this is in excess of my needs and
I NEED a good wattmeter. Really want the SW-2000.

Following accessories that are all inside the front cover come with it:
1. Two fuses (not sure of values)
2. Some kind of a 1/4" phone plug dummy plug
3. Antenna simulator
4. Fixed attenuator CN-350/URM-25D
5. Two allen wrenches, one small and the other smaller
6. Impedance adapter MX-1847/URM-25D

There are six empty slots on the inside front cover. I guess not all the
accessories are here. It was last calibrated in April 1993.

Thanks for the read.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego, CA

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