WTD: Information on Stancor 40P Transmitter

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Wed Mar 11 13:43:26 EST 1998

A new toy just arrived at the QTH thanks to Bruce W9QAH.  Now I'm in need
of any information for the Stancor 40P transmitter.  This radio looks to
be from the 40's time frame.  The transmitter doesn't appear in either of
the popular vacuum tube transmitter guides, nor in any of my 30s/40s QST
or Radio magazines.  If any of you have the Stancor transmitter /
transformer ham manuals (catalogs) from the 40's could you take a look
and see if the 40P appears.  I gladly pay for copying and shipping costs
or buy the ham manuals outright.

A little soap and water and this transmitter should look just great.


Don N9OO

**                                                                **
**  Don Buska N9OO (EN62bo)            Principal Engineer         **
**  4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144   Advantest America Inc.     **
**  (414)654-0072                      (847)821-3393              **
**  d.buska at aaiate.com             fax (847)634-2872              **
**                                                                **
**           ----------------  Wants ------------------           **
**   ARRL-LM |  James Millen Equipment                |   CSHVFS  **
**   AWA     |  Transmitters by Thordarson, Stancor,  |   NTMS    **
**   AMI     |  UTC and other transformer companies.  |           **
**   CCA     |  Receiver: National NC-101XA w/speaker |           **
**   QCWA    |  Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61      |           **
**                                                                **
**                  http://www.qsl.net/n9oo                       **
**           Home of the Electric Radio Magazine Index            **

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