FS: ARRL Handboooks & publications

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Sun Mar 22 21:52:25 EST 1998

Jim, I didn't subscribe to this list to read junk mail from Price Cops.
If you don't like Dick's prices, then make him a counter-offer, or
just don't buy his goods.

72.5 from Hawaii,
Jeff KH2PZ / KH6

On Sun, 22 Mar 1998, Jim Strohm wrote:
> w0ex at SCAN.MISSOURI.ORG <DICK W0EX> displays his mercenary side when he writes:

> >I have the following ARRL handbooks to sell:
> >Hardbound..... all binding and covers are excellent, very good to
> >excellent condition otherwise.  All have some library markings
> >For Years:
> > 1975 , 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984.
> >I'll Sell the  9 for $140, or if no one wants them all, individually for
> >$20 each.

> He said something else but I (oops) erased it.
> Gentlemen, I am deeply dismayed to see people like DICK offering
> books for sale at such outrageously inflated prices.  I can only
> hope that the ARRL will soon provide back issues of the Handbook
> on CD-ROM, so that those of us who need the information can get it
> at a fair cost, and those of us who choose to give DICK his due
> will pay his exorbitant, obscene, rapacious, gouging prices
> for the Handbook.

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