Opinions of GSB-100...
Sun Mar 22 22:12:26 EST 1998
Hello all (including Kevin!),
Having just arranged to purchase that GSB-100 that appeared
earlier on the list (I live a half hour from Kevin, so easy
pick-up), I would like to gather opinions of it. Anyone
ever use one? Output power (single 6DQ6 - I bought about
12 of those last year) ?, anecdotes? Opinions of Phasing
type SSB? Anything ya got in the opinion/info department...
You'll recall my query about which receiver to pair with a
DX-100? Well, the DX-100 didn't pan out so now I'll be
pairing the GSB-100 with my soon be be here NC-300. They
sure seem about the same era/size and oughta be fun on CX
Great group. Thanks in advance. Also, please note the
different email address in my signature file beneath
my name. Doesn't matter which you reply to - they all
get here through the magic of forwarding. Made some updates
on my web page too, so if you haven't been there in a while
you might want to check it out.
dave at boatanchors.com
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