Soundimp soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat Mar 28 10:36:25 EST 1998

The following  BA stuff  F/S:

Multi Elmac  AF54 xmtr  missing one knob  otherwise in good physical
condion  working  not  known as  no  PS.....  $50.00  plus shipping

Multi Elmac  PMR6 Receiver complete a 8  on a 10 scale   Electrical  not
$50  plus shipping.

Morrow  MBR5  a solid  8  electrical  good...Needs  PS  but  works  well...
$50  plus shipping.

Morrow  Conelrad Moniter  works  very  well  also a solid  8.  Real  rare
and  hard  to  find.
$50  shipped

Harvey  Wells  TBS50  a solid  9   electrical  unknown....$75  plus shipping.

Johnson Messengers...  One  Black Face  one White Face  all  in  good
cosmetic  electrical  unknown...$30  ea  plus  shipping.

Thanks  and  73's   Bob  K1JNN/5

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