FS: 1955 Collins/Motorola R-390A; AN/GRC-109 set

Stefan A Schulz sas1757 at TNTECH.EDU
Wed May 6 19:19:50 EDT 1998

I have a 1955 Collins/Motorola R-390A in good condition but without an
antenna relay box. The connectors are two C type on the back. The
nomenclature tag on it is for a Collins R-390 Ser. 205. I have with
the 390A a 3 and 3/4 tall blue rack cabinet on large castors. The cabinet
has no rear door. And finally a nice AN/GRC-109 set as follows:

R-1004/GRC-109 SER. 299
PP-2685/GRC-109 SER. 464   a previous owner replaced euro connector with
standard U.S. type
RT-3 SER. 6093

I am also including reprint manuals for them . I am only asking near what
I put into them.

PICK UP ONLY No shipping.

$600 firm for all items. I will only sell them together.

Please e-mail PRIVATELY back to me if interested.

TNX es 73's de KF4UEO ZUT AR
        Stefan Schulz
Tennesee Technological University
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
1-(931)-372-4965 have voicemail

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