Anyone ever heard of a GOLD EV664?

Bob Perry rperry at STNY.LRUN.COM
Sat Feb 6 22:18:56 EST 1999

I happen to have two that were in a box at a church jumble sale (along with
two silver ones).  But, I don't know any more about them than you.  I will
be interested finding out more also.  Bob

Smoke Signals
Robert W. Perry
rperry at
131 E High St
Painted Post, NY
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Ellison <zommbee at IX.NETCOM.COM>
Date: Saturday, February 06, 1999 9:38 PM
Subject: Anyone ever heard of a GOLD EV664?

>Hello all,
>In going through my 'junk' (loving term, of course) I came across
>an old EV 664, s/n 128280, that seems nice and just like any
>other 664 except it is GOLD!  At first I thought the lighting was
>wrong, but sure enough, this thing is gold!  I must assume it is
>just anodizing - it couldn't possibly be gold plated, could it?  It
>appears to be a factory job, whatever it is.  It's wearing a little
>thin on the parts human hands would have handled over many
>years, but is still overall very very nice.  I got it years ago in a box
>of junk (!!) being tossed out by a local VFW hall during a remodel,
>and brought it home but never looked at it.
>Has anyone ever heard of this model?
>Thanks for any help in ID'ing this unique 664.
>Dave WB7AWK
>Tacoma, WA
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