FS: Iron & glowbug!

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Tue Feb 9 16:19:36 EST 1999

For Sale:
(Add shipping costs to all prices unless stated)

CPCW-5 Tube QRP Transmitter with 80m coil. 120V AC operation.
Uses 6C4 and 6AQ5 etc. Brand new. Factory built. Only used once, comes with
manual. On CW 5 watts, and AM 1.5 watts cathode mod.  QSK on CW.  List $99.50
Will sell for $50.00

Stromberg Carlson 50 Watt Audio Amplifier with Push-pull 6L6 tubes
in excellent condition. Two MIC inputs and one phono. Has built-in
turntable. Clean condition. Untested but will guarantee good
transformers, and complete.  $50.00

Thordarson transformer - THORDARSON D161916
Ooops! I think maybe it is NOT a mod transformer but a power transformer!
120 V AC primary
potted, square
Sec 1: 5.78 H, C.T. 48 ohms - gives 700V c.t. at 250 mA
(24 + 24  ohms DC)
Sec 2:  23.6 H, 605 ohms - gives 1580V at less current
(605 ohms DC)
Size - about 4.5" X 4.5" x 4" Good for about 180-200 Watts plate supply.

UTC Mod Transformer Model S21 unused, classy    $40.00

UTC choke Model PA104    $15.00
This Inductor is a 18 Henry job with a tap at 14.4 Henries.
99 ohms series resistance It's large - like 5" X 5" x 4"
Good for a choke input filter on a nice sized 200 Watt plate supply.

Fujitsu Color Printer Model DX-2300, Low miles(!)
This is a dot matrix prinbter, but made very well, and in excellent
condition. Uses tractor feed or single sheet plain paper.
With manual - only $25.00


1981 ARRL Handbook, excellent condition    ONLY $8.00

Television For Radiomen, by Ed Noll. 340 pages, illustrated
1962. Front cover torn a little but otherwise very good $3.00

TV SICK? Service your own TV, by Belmont TV Co.
33 pages, plus sale flyer, 1975 MINT $2.00

College text, 201 pages, excellent condition  $3.00

All four books for $13.00

Manuals etc:
EICO Model 666 Tube tester Manual $7

Hallicrafters Manuals:
HT-46      $8.00 each   (1 repro only)
SX-146      $8.00 each   (1 repro only)

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