FS: Misc Items, Test Equipment

Stefan Bishay stefan at EMERALDNET.NET
Sun Jan 24 17:53:19 EST 1999

Gentleman, I have the following parts and junk for sale:

Filter Caps:
8x 100uf 2200v, out of defibrillators, in cylindrical cases 5.5" high x 2"
diameter, 1 lb. $15/ea

3x 4uf 4000v, standard oil type, $8/ea

Eico model 667 tube tester, excellent condition, still has protective film
on panel, $60

Fluke model 821 AR differential voltmeter, rack mount, good condition, with
manual, $50

That's it for now-please include zip code when replying to expedite
shipping calculations.

Stefan Bishay - KC7SJC
Seattle, WA
ICQ 2141646

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