Need Hammarlund HQ-180 Parts/Information

Mike Souhrada wb9iog at REVEALED.NET
Fri May 7 23:27:26 EDT 1999

Robert  ET AL
Rob you may not be missing the covers at all. Early versions had the two
covers but Hammarlund found that on occasion they only created a trap
for moisture
and served a limited use.In time they became a detrement to reliability.
They were eliminated in later production runs.

> Hi All,
> I am working on a HQ-180X project radio that was less functional than
> represented by the seller.  One of the missing items are the covers
> for the main and bandspread variable capacitors.

I prefer not to use SS rectification for a radio designed for tubes.
Reason is the swing of DC will be higher and cause other problems down
the circuit path. Of course you do reduce the heat but I've not found
to be critical to operation. In addition we were using 110-115 A/C then
now we are up in the 123 VAC range and with the multiplier effect a few
volts really add up on those old radios.

> The radio has an International Rectifier Corp ST-14 solid state
> replacement for the rectifier tube.  Anybody know of any problems
> using these vice the specified tube?

> Finally, I know that R&R Designs carries the paint for the case but
> does anyone know as source that reproduces the sticker on the back
> that shows the tube layout and who offers a service to refinish the
> front panel?
No help on the above.
Le Claire, Ia

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