[BoatAnchors] What is difference btwn Drake 2B & 2A?

Floyd Sense sentek at SPRINTMAIL.COM
Sun Nov 14 21:26:02 EST 1999

I think you'll find that the 2A and 2B appear to the casual observer to be
identical.  The visible difference is the passband tuning on the 2B.  The 1A
had the vertical design, not the 2A.  The 2C is quite different from the 2B
and 2A, having a circular dial in a window instead of the sliderule dial.
As I write this, I'm looking at photos of all three receivers in the 1972
"Ham Equipment Buyer's Guide" as published by Alton Brand (of Yellow Sheets

I routinely see sellers at hamfests representing a 2A as a 2B, and neither
the seller nor the buyers seem to know or care about the differences.  A

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Carling <af4k at earthlink.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [BoatAnchors] What is difference btwn Drake 2B & 2A?

> Significant! The 2A is a much different looking rcvr. More vertical shaped
> nothing like the 2B. The 2B and 2C both have a smiliar size and shape
> The 2B is more rounded, and has a darker front panel. The 1A uses the
> same color scheme as the 2B, but the 2A has a very unusual shaped case!
> I have never tried a 2A.
> On 13 Nov 99, at 22:42, Lane Zeitler wrote:
> > I have traded my SBE 1A amp for a Drake 2A rcvr. Does anyone know what
> > differences are between the Drake 2B and the 2A?
> >
> > Lane
> > Ku7i
> > San Diego
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Submissions boatanchors at qth.net
> >

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