MF Command transmitters (chapter 2)

Hue Miller kargokult at PROAXIS.COM
Sat Sep 11 20:31:52 EDT 1999

this was interesting enuff that i thot i'd forward it to all:

>Hue, it has always been my understanding that the "low frequencies" were
>"just an extension of "other frequencies". i.e. you used what worked for
>you. In 1956/57 the RAF and the USAF still carried T1154/R1155's/
>ART-13/BC-348's in POST WAR A/C-. As a Wireless Mechanic at the time I
>remember being told "not to tune up" on the 100Kc/s to 500kc/s range as it
>would interfere with broadcast stations. The A/C Wireless Op's of the day;
>many had been Wireless Ops during the war (only 12 yrs previously) had told
>me that they used to use the "lower frequencies" for obtaining a "fix" for
>D/F purposes by calling the manual D/F station at their airfield. As VHF
>became more prolific, this practice move to manual VHF..then the early
>(first) CADF by British Standard Telephones and Cables (STC). I am certain
>that, depending upon the propogation, you used what ever freq it took to do
>the job. Whe serving my Aprenticeship in the RAF, my duty station was RAF
>Cosford, north of Wolverhampton, this had been an M.U. ( maintenance unit )
>and it still had a Low Frequency D/F c/w Long Wave goniometer.
>XXX CADF= Commutated Aerial Direction Finding. An early "automatic D/F".
> TG

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