Ancient Telegraph Code

Gary Schafer gschafer at MEDIAONE.NET
Thu Apr 13 23:16:42 EDT 2000

That's why that enama machine was invented. To break all those codes.

Gary  K4FMX

Chris Trask wrote:

>         I picked up a very odd book over the weekend entitled "ABC
> Universal Commercial Electric Telegraphic Code", published by the American
> Code Publishing Co. in 1899.  It appears to be a manual for a form of
> telegraphic shorthand used by merchants and shipping agents, similar to
> the Q-codes and numerical codes we still use.  There are over 25,000 codes
> in this book, and they were able to use either a number or a word.  They
> also had to add additional information if there's a "fill in the blank"
> portion.
>         Anyone know the history behind this?
> Chris

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