The Old Lady sings again
N5AIT Allan Stephens
Fri Apr 28 23:47:57 EDT 2000
...although maybe "old lady" is not the way to characterize
THIS one...
Hamfest in Taylorville, Illinois a couple of months
ago and I picked up a Globe Chief 90A in good physical
condition. Finally got it on the bench a couple of days
ago... Replaced the 807's (one weak, one gassy), used
Uncle Marty's Famous Capacitor Re-form Trick, undid some
rather strange wiring... After nothing blew when I
turned it on, I plugged in a 40 mtr xtal and fired it
up. 70 watts output... and I DID work quite a few of
these (or earlier models) when I was a novice... and
always envied their owners the extra power. After all,
my Harvey-Wells had only a single 807...
It is a beautifully simple design: 5U4, 6AG7 osc,
two 807's... Simple and straightforward. Something to
add to the "CX" collection... and matches my old Globe
755A VFO just right! We'll be on the bands!
73, Al N5AIT
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