[Hallicrafters] re: Problem with my Hallicrafters SX-43

David Harmon dwharmon at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat Feb 26 19:39:28 EST 2000

Larry...I should have said 'hum does NOT go away'

>When the hum goes away, the bad
tube will be the one you pulled out just previously.<
        Dave K6XYZ

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hallicrafters at qth.net [mailto:owner-hallicrafters at qth.net]On
Behalf Of KQ6XY
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 3:19 PM
To: hallicrafters at qth.net; vintage-radio at qth.net;
boatanchors at theporch.com; boatanchors at qth.net;
boatanchors at listserv.tempe.gov
Subject: [Hallicrafters] re: Problem with my Hallicrafters SX-43

I recently purchased a SX-43 that has the following prolem:
The reception seems pretty good, but it has a significant audio hum after it
warms up.

I cycles from a no-hum to moderate hum over and over.  When it is cold, it
seems to work just fine.
Since I do not know how to repair a boatacnchor, I was hoping that someone
might be able to point me
in the right direction.  For example, a weak tube, etc.

Thanks for your time.


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