FW: [Pattern] Fw: NEW LIST SUPPORT - NSRCA Board action item

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Jun 13 02:11:13 EDT 2000

On  boatanchors at listserv.tempe.gov  David Harmon wrote:

> Trouble in Paradise....the easterners are suddenly
> perhaps not so sunnenly involved in a lot of infighting.
> Does not look good for NSRCA.
>         Dave

What's "NSRCA"? Do they have any 6146 tubes for sale? I'll vote
for whomever has 6146 tubes. Even if they're not running for
office, they get my vote.

> You will have my vote BTW.

Does he have any 6146 tubes? He has my vote, too, if he does.
(What's he running for?)

73, Jeff KH6O

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