recycling radios

Christian Fandt cfandt at NETSYNC.NET
Wed Mar 22 18:04:41 EST 2000

Upon the date 11:44 AM 3/22/00 -0500, Ron Evans said something like:
>My impression is that it's tongue in cheek, satirical, a put-on. The last
>sentence in the article is the final bit of evidence when it says,
>"...adjustment may only be required once during a battle."
>The entire article is filled with VERY subtle humor, but I'm convinced that
>the article is a spoof. I could be wrong.  Ask my wife.  *grin*

Judging from the wording, I feel this fellow is a WWII battle reenactor.
They need comms during a "battle" and figured tearing up a good WWII radio
for their purpose was okay. I think not, but who am I to tell them except
as a rather displeased collector/historian. If they were true-blue
historians they wouldn't alter authentic gear of _any_ sort.

Regards,  Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt,         Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY  USA      cfandt at
        Member of Antique Wireless Association

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