T/R Switch for 32V-2

Gene Holcombe n5zdf at NETDOOR.COM
Tue Oct 24 18:30:33 EDT 2000

Follow up to my quest for info on Johnson T/R switch which brought forth a wealth of knowledge.
I have a t/r switch made by Price Electric Corp which has a 110 volt coil on it.
There are three (3) UHF connectors on it for Recvr, Trxmtr and the antenna.  The
32V-2 has a keying voltage of 110 volts for the relay.  It will disconnect the antenna from my SP 600
when 32V-2 is keyed.  The receiver is a Hammarlund SP 600 but removing the antenna doesn't
mute it.  How do I accomplish this?  Any suggestions?

Gene  N5ZDF
CCA Member

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