3 wire cord on HT-32 & bias

anchor anchor at EC.RR.COM
Thu Mar 8 11:27:06 EST 2001

Hi Bob,
    I agree with your reasoning and have done it that way on several radios,
incl the HT-32, that were "backwards".   I'm sure there was some reasoning
behind the original, but don't know, maybe it was different colors back then.
    On your bias supply issue, the original selenium rectifiers often developed
a high voltage drop.  I used silicon in the HT-32.  Never heard them being
blamed for the common power xfmr failures, have heard cautions to pause in the
stdby position before turning off, to reduce spikes.  My HT-32 has a nice Peter
Dahl xfmr that the previous owner had bought but not installed, after failure.
Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
BoatAnchors appreciated here
anchor at ec.rr.com

And remember; "-They don´t make tubes nowadays like they used to..."

----- Original Message -----
> On the present two wire cord on my HT-32 transmitter the white colored wire
> is fused and the black wire is not.  This sounds backwards to me but I guess
> I'm not understanding the reasoning here.  Maybe someone on the list can
> explain it to me.  I'm wanting to replace this cord with a three wire cord.
>   I've always assumed the green wire is tied to the chassis directly, the
> white wire is considered the neutral and is tied to the wide blade on a
> polarized plug, and that the black wire is the positive wire and is the one
> that should be fused.  If I follow that reasoning I'll tie the black wire of
> the new cord where the white wire on the old cord was.  Not a big deal but I
> hope someone here can explain to me how the standards for wiring have
> changed over time regarding two and three wire service cords.

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