
john johnmb at NC.RR.COM
Sat Nov 24 09:05:37 EST 2001

At 08:45 AM 11/24/01 -0500, Lenny wrote:
>Pete's right, too.  I 've had very bad results with many UPS shipments
>(damage and delays).  Recently I arrived home to find a Fedex delivery
>sticker on my door -

        Nobodys perfect though. I've got a collectors federal firearms license.
I ordered a Swedish Mauser and delivery was through Fedx ground.
After a week, there was no rifle. They claimed to have delivered it, and
had my signature to prove it. The only problem was, I hadn't seen a driver
or signed anything.  The driver had forged my name on the receipt sheet,
and misdelivered the rifle at a house up the street (whose  occupants were
on vacation). For 10 days a rifle sat on their front porch, until they

        During that time I had to report the rifle missing to BATF, had
contacted the local police, etc... the normal drill for a missing firearm.
FedEx tried to KEEP me from bringing in BATF and the local cops, and
seemed unconcerned that they had lost a firearm.  All was well when
the neighbor rerturned and brought me down the rifle, but it was no thanks
to FedEx. They also seemed unconcerned about forging the document,
and forging the "adult signature required" receipt for the package.
Their excuse "it looked like a good neighborhood".

        There's NO good way to ship anything anymore!


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