Cheyenne MT-1 High Jinx

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sun Dec 21 12:10:54 EST 2003

Hi Glenn - I got both replies OK. Thanks.

I was not expecting QSK operation!

Just wondered why they didn't make it so that the relay pulls in
when you switch to CW! No big deal, I can squeeze the mic in
one hand and work the straight key with the other.

Just a very illogical design. However, we have to keep in mind that the primary
application for this rig was mobile AM phone!

On 21 Dec 2003 at 8:40, Glen Zook wrote:

> You do have to operate the push-to-talk switch for CW
> operation.  The newer rigs that you can just close the
> key are primarily sideband rigs that are using
> side-tone generation for the CW signal.  Keying the
> rig actually means keying the sidetone oscillator and
> that works the VOX as well as causing the effective CW
> signal.
> Since there is no VOX in the Cheyenne, you have to
> work the push-to-talk to put the transmitter in the
> transmit position.
> Glen, K9STH

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