ALERT: AM Under Attack - WA3VJB

Tom Gewecke tom at BLUESKY.ORG
Fri Jun 20 10:48:10 EDT 2003

I agree fully with Doc KD4E. The threat to AM, which I have also used, is
minimal.  The real target of this petition is Enhanced SSB, whose operators
have often demonstrated a gross lack of consideration for fellow hams.  One
KA4 I have heard frequently "experiments" at the legal power limit taking
up 6KHz of the 25KHz Extra segment of 20m, and boasts about his bandwidth
capabilities on his web site, all this after having received a written
warning from the FCC.   If would be helpful at the very least to ban such
stuff to the empty portions of the higher bands, and any action that could
promote this has my support.  Tom W7THG

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