[hallicrafters-Radios] FYI: ARRL video demonstrates BPL Catastrophe...

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Apr 2 16:46:26 EST 2004

NR8X is right - of course the issue should not just be about which group can write
the most letters nor spend the most money etc.
Somewhere in all of this there should be the issue of what is the
It is lunacy for our country to keep neglecting that...

On 2 Apr 2004 at 10:58, nr8x nr8x wrote:

> You are exactly right in this regard Brian. I have just viewed this
> movie clip online and am very concerned how drastic this interference
> will affect the HF frequencies and our hobbies of both ham radio and
> shortwave listening. We all must write/contact our representatives
> soon as we all know the "power" of money and lobby groups in
> Washington these days. Electric companies make enough profit the way
> it is and they don't need to jump on the ISP wagon for even more
> profit revenue streams. I am afraid though that a few thousand amateur
> operators and shortwave listeners compared to a few hundred electric
> companies will be a tough obstacle to overcome. It is like voting I
> would say, if you don't speak up now they don't bitch about it when
> the end result appears....
> NR8X
> Brian Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> THIS is why it's important to let your voice be heard!
> Please forward this to all of your ham friends, guys!
> Time to speak out to the FCC and our Congress-critters.
> Future generations will thank today's hams for having
> the resolve to not give up on this issue.
> Where is Barry Goldwater when we need him?
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From WB4UHH
> wb4uhh at bellsouth.net
> Subject:  ARRL video audibly demonstrates
> BPL-generated interference
> This video clip (MPG format - approximately 27 MB) audibly
> demonstrates the interference caused by broadband over
> power lines (BPL), which effectively wipes out short wave
> radio reception.
> The video was made by the ARRL and reflects 'real-world'
> (read unscientific) measurements of the BPL interference.
> --- End forwarded message ---
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