RME-69 question

Bob And Bettina Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Wed Aug 3 15:33:24 EDT 2005


There is a downloadable copy of the RME 69 manual on the BAMA site.

I have one but had to tear it down a bit to work on some rust problems 
-- it is still waiting to be put back together so no idea of how well it 
works. Pretty cool unit - everything is soldered onto the top plate of 
the chassis so it is a bear to even think about doing any extensive work 
on.  But it certainly should help keep it stable (both thermally and 

Value?  I have no idea.  Very difficult to say - depends on who wants to 
buy it, condition, etc. As a pragmatic collector (and cheap also!) I 
would guesstimate $50 to $200 with a nominal range of $75 to $100.  Wow, 
that should stir up a ruckus!

So check it out throughly - make sure it is all there and check for rust 
and the like. Good luck and enjoy.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

Christian R. Fandt wrote:

> I'm planning on purchasing an RME-69 from a local SK's son (who 
> himself is 84 years young). After being directed to me by the local 
> hams, he dropped over to our house last week to inquire if I or anyone 
> would be interested in it. (I got dibs!!)  He did not know too much 
> about it but brought a picture to show me.
> I fetched my "Communications Receivers, 4th Edition" book by Ray Moore 
> and we determined from the somewhat fuzzy Polaroid picture and his 
> recollection that it was an RME-69 (not a -69/LS-1) as shown on page 
> 124. RMEs of this vintage usually did not have panel markings. On this 
> unit there are Dymo labels placed above each control indicating function.
> I have not personally seen the unit to judge for myself  the exact 
> condx. I told him I would like to buy it from him when I could gather 
> some money to pay for it based on an average market value and condx. 
> (I'm presently an unemployed engineer.)
> In researching the RME-69 I found a couple of anecdotal comments 
> stating it was a good performer in the upper-most band as well as the 
> lower five. What does the collective experience of the list feel about 
> that performance comment?
> What does the list feel it should be valued at? I want to give him a 
> fair price for it. The online boatanchor value lists are either 
> seemingly a touch out of date or the range varies widely, IMO.
> Any other interesting comments about the -69?
> Anybody got a decent manual (copy or original)?
> Thanks for your valuable opinions.
> Regards,  Chris F.
> Christian Fandt,    Electronic/Electrical Historian
> Jamestown, NY  USA      cfandt at netsync.net
>         Member of Antique Wireless Association
>         URL: http://www.antiquewireless.org/
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