6m AM and 2m AM Activity

Scott Johnson scottjohnson1 at COX.NET
Tue Oct 4 09:58:05 EDT 2005

Here in AZ, we have quite a lot of AM activity on 144.45, with a weekly net 
that has as many as 18-20 checkins in the winter months!  I am in the 
process of building both a 6M and 2M AM repeater.  How about some 220 
activity on AM with old mil UHF gear?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Langenfeld" <mlangen at EXECPC.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [BOATANCHORS-TEMPE] 6m AM and 2m AM Activity

>I remember 2M AM fondly (and, yes, still have gear for it in the
> basement).  But I think it's been handicapped by the lack of a uniform
> calling freq (like 50.4 on 6M) or window. 2 is indisputably one of the
> most heavily used bands. What with somewhat different band plans from
> region to region, the proliferation of packet and repeaters and the
> satellite allocation, it seems as though few have given such a thing
> much thought.  If band planners could be persuaded to carve out a sliver
> for AM somewhare between 144 and 145 mHz (I'm not holding my breath), I
> think a lot of us could be convinced to fire up the old gear on a more
> regular basis.
> Mark - WA9ETW
>> YOU (we) are the future of VHF AM.
>> Stay with it.  There ARE many of us out here with 6m AM capability
>> who just need a NUDGE to get on the air more often!
>> I think if more of us talked it up on the internet there would be a ton
>> more activity and maybe even start some new nets!
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