rayfri rayfri at HIGHSTREAM.NET
Mon Feb 6 02:11:23 EST 2006

This is the same FCC that responded so lovingly and agreed with a 
majority of hams who DIDNT want them  to do away
with the code requirement???   And who paid so much attention way back 
when incentive licensing was proposed?

Just checking....


Peter A Markavage wrote:

>May not be true. The ARRL hasn't been on the FCC's "I love you" list for
>quite some time.
>You have until 12 midnight today to make comments. Help shape the future
>of the Amateur Radio Service. The comments don't have to be rocket
>science stuff.
>Go here:
>Put in either RM-11305 or RM-11306 or both(one at a time), Fill in the
>name and address stuff, go to the bottom and either send comments in or
>type a comment in the space provided.
>Pete, wa2cwa
>On Sun, 5 Feb 2006 18:37:48 -0700 rayfri <rayfri at HIGHSTREAM.NET> writes:
>>true..    But, in this case, the FCC is already considering bandwidth 
>>regulations, so they are likely to go along with the ARRL
>>which, by its own charter, should be more concerned about what the 
>>members and hams in general think rather than what the
>>"all seeing, all knowing fathers of ham radio" in Newington believe 
>>in our best interest....
>>I hate know it alls....  and the ARRL is one of the biggest bunch of 
>>"know it alls" I have ever seen....   What they really are at
>>the league is just a bunch of arrogant, egotistical guys whose 
>>over-inflated sense of self usually ends up hurting ham radio.
>>Take BPL for instance ...  systems are up and running that are 
>>all kinds of interference.  Yet the ARRL is content to simply stamp 
>>their feet and whine and ask the FCC to follow the regulations and 
>>them to shut down their systems, as required by law.  The FCC has 
>>yet to 
>>order one single shutdown, yet instead of taking legal action 
>>the FCC in court, as could be done, the ARRL's over inflated ego 
>>believes that temper tantrums and foot stomping should be all they 
>>to do to get their way.....  because, after all, they ARE the 
>>Give me a break !!!   Hiram Percy would probably throw up his lunch 
>>he were still around.....
>>Ray  wa7itz
>>Glen Zook wrote:
>>>But, have you noticed that for some time the FCC
>>>definitely does not "rubber stamp" what the ARRL
>>>Glen, K9STH
>>>--- rayfri <rayfri at HIGHSTREAM.NET> wrote:
>>>Havent you learned from past experience or observation
>>>that it really doesnt matter one hoot in hell what we
>>>say to either the ARRL or the FCC.... They both have
>>>their minds already made up.... the decisions have
>>>been made .... and they are both just going through
>>>the motions and pretense of soliciting and accepting
>>>public comment.
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