Best outboard filter to remove tuning-up carriers?

Eugene Balinski eugeneb at NNI.COM
Sun Oct 1 21:06:08 EDT 2006


   There are a number of solutions both automatic/DSP and
manual. Just remember that since they are outside the
radio, they will not help with capture of the receiver AGC
by loud signals. 

   One of the less expensive alternatives is the venerable
Autek QF-1 and QF-1A Audio Filters.   These are manual
active audio filters.  The original QF-1 is selectable
between notch and bandpass.  The newer QF-1A has both notch
and band pass filtering available at the same time.  They
both go right in line with  your headphones.  QF-1's go for
about $20.00.   The 1A's are a little more.

  I have used both filters,  and the notch and BPF are very
effective. So if you want a cheap solution, here is one.

Gene K1NR   

On Sun, 1 Oct 2006 20:12:21 -0400
 kd4e <kd4e at VERIZON.NET> wrote:
> What is the gathered wisdom as to the best
> external filter to remove tune-up carriers
> from LIDS who dump them on top of Nets and
> QSO's?
> I am familiar with the Timewave 599zx but
> that is a ton of money for features I do not
> need -- I'd like something that reliably kills
> tune-up carriers without the costly extra
> features.
> -- 
> Thanks! & 73,
> doc, KD4E
> ... somewhere in FL
> URL:  bibleseven (dot) com
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