[FLBOATANCHORS] W1PE: League pulls RM-11306

Bry Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sun Apr 29 16:10:15 EDT 2007

> Thank you John.
> League bashers have a short memory, or they haven't studied
> any history.
> If it were not for the ARRL, the government would have killed
> ham radio many, many years ago.
> The book "200 Meters and Down" should be required reading.
> 73,
> Ron kc4yoy

Ron, it is not "League bashing" to disagree on an issue.
Apparently thousands of hams including a majority of ARRL 
members are "League-bashing" if that is what it means to 
dare to disagree with the smoke and mirrors / fancy footwork
of that particular amateur radio club.

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