DX-100 question

Scott Johnson scottjohnson1 at COX.NET
Thu Aug 16 14:34:54 EDT 2007

If you want authentic color, use the so-called"UV" LED's, they are 
actually a deep violet, and look a lot like a Hg glow.  you could 
probably power them with rectified filament power.  run them in 
individual series strings at about 5mA, should look quite authentic!

Scott W7SVJ

Jim Bromley, K7JEB wrote:
> Bob Groh WA2CKY wrote:
>> I know your suggestion was done (somewhat) in jest 
>> but it is really a cool idea!  Looks are part of the appeal 
>> of our gear and so why not have a simulated 866 et al 
>> with better electrical performance but still with the 
>> 'look'!!   I have often said that I would like an old-fashioned 
>> KW amplifier with a window in the front so I could see 
>> the plates turning cherry red when I hit the key.  The 
>> 'simulated' rectifiers really (I'm being serious here, guys!) 
>> do sound like a neat idea.
> Glad you liked the idea, Bob.  It would be kinda fun to
> see how far the idea would go.  I'm thinking the best
> configuration would be to have 10 - 20 LED's in parallel
> with current-equalizing resistors to balance the load,
> and maybe a big zener across the LED's to prevent
> excessive voltage drop across them.  Also give the whole
> plug-in replacement module a 'May West' shape just
> like the old 866's.
> You've also given me another inspiration:  simulated
> anode incandescence in solid-state amplifiers using
> red and orange LED's.
> Jim, K7JEB
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