RBS-2 receiver, Type CCT-46217-A
Meir WF2U
Wed Aug 22 09:17:10 EDT 2007
Lucky you!
At least the connector is the intact original, nobody changed it to some
unoriginaln "commonly found" connector. In one of mine, someone discarded
the original connector and put in an octal tube socket. It took me years
to find an original connector to restore the receiver!
William Perry is a good source for military plugs. I got all my WW2 plug
types I needed for any type of equipment.
These sources have the manuals:
The pair (one low frequency and one high frequency) of RBM-(*) receivers
was used in conjunction with the TBW transmitter, in a semi-portable
station for forward shore deployment. The transmitter, receivers and power
supplies (there are a few options: dynamotor, AC and gas generator) were
in shipping/storage crates, and the crates configure into the operating
73, Meir WF2U
Landrum, SC
> Hi all;
> I just purchased a WWII reciever on EBay and am going to need a
> manual. Anyone have one for a RBS, RBS-1, or RBS-2? Thanks!
> It also appears from the EBay picture (Item #260148864302) that it has
> an 8 pin connector as opposed to a common 9 pin. Anyone have a female
> 8 pin around or know where I can get one? Thanks all! Ed in Aurora, IL
> (630) 892-8870
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