
Peter A Markavage pmarkavage at JUNO.COM
Mon Dec 24 12:55:33 EST 2007

The SX-101A has "dial" provision to use a converter with an IF output of
30.5-34.5 MHz for 4 MHz of coverage. However, I would be more inclined to
get a 6 or 2 M converter that has a 28-30 MHz output and feed it into the
receiver on the 10 meter position. You only get 2 MHz of band coverage
for 6 M, 50 to 52 MHz is more then enough. Actually, if you could find a
converter that has a 14-18 MHz IF output, you could use the 20 M band
position and have lots of 6 M bandspread and just cover 50-50.4 MHz.
Pete, wa2cwa
On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:48:50 -0800 Chris <boatanchors at PEOPLEPC.COM>
> Hello and Happy Holidays
>  I have a Hallicrafters SX-101A which is the 10-80M and Converter 
> for 6-2m...My question is I am wanting to get a 6M converter to use 
> with my 101A but not sure which one to get that will work with my 
> 101A...I have seen the Ameco 6M & 2M converters for sale and so on 
> but not so sure if they will work with my 101A...Can someone shed a 
> little light on the subject as to which converter to get that will 
> work for me. Thanks and Happy Holidays to all...Chris

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