Shipping older radios & insurance claims

L.G. Robertson digital-conjurers at ROADRUNNER.COM
Sun Nov 25 21:36:24 EST 2007


I'm not a "stroll-up" customer", either, and please don't denigrate me in 
that fashion; smearing the messinger doesn't change the message.  It works 
with politics, but not here.

I had an account with FedEx for years, and was supplied regularly with 
pre-printed waybills with my company name, account number, etc, etc.  The 
aforementioned incident caused me to close my account with 
them.   I  regularly ship radios with values in excess of $1000, and this 
incident really was the prime motivator to cancel.  I now use another 
shipper who claims they stand by everything, regardless of class of item in 
this regard.

It sounds as if you have not had the misfortune to file a claim with them 
with this class of item in excess of $500.

...and  Bob Peters Post:

"I took a
DX100 to have shipped when the
packing company showed me the
FED X rules on antiques and
old stuff. She said even if
you pay for $1000 insurance
that they will only pay $100
of it, "

...seems to bear out there is an issue here with FedEx, although why he got 
"$100" instead of the $500 standard, I don't know.

And I sincerely doubt that there's one set of liabilities for one class of 
shipper, and another set of liabilities for others; the law just doesn't 
work like that, as far as I know.

This may be a new development they slipped in sometime during the recent 
few years; I don't know.  But it certainly is the case now.

In any case, facts are facts.


At 05:39 PM 11/25/2007, you wrote:
>I think if that was the case, their web site would not allow
>my account to ship the item and insure it for $700 or $800
>I do not use their customer counter waybills for the
>stroll-up, retail customer!
> > Brian,
> >
> > It's right there on the back of the it.
> >
> > ...and I just went through this with a client 6 months ago.  FedEx Air
> > Freight thrashed a beautiful 1940 Philco console that was professionally
> > crated, marked in red stencil 2" lettering, "This-Side-Up",
> > "Fragile-Electronics" and "Do Not Drop".
> >
> > The client was witness to the event, that being  the rolling out of said
> > marked crate on a 100' roller ramp with sevral inches between the rollers,
> > causing said crate to go "whump-whump-whump" down the ramp at warp nine,
> > hitting the stop at the end with a crash.
> >
> > They then pulled the "Ooops, sorry, this is in the 'Extroadinary Value'
> > disclaimer on the back of the waybill" routine, and limited damages to 
> $500.
> >
> > Perhaps you've not had to file a claim with them!
> >
> > -Lin/KJ6EF
> >
> > ======================================
> >
> > At 02:57 PM 11/25/2007, you wrote:
> > >No - if you ship to a business address using your Fedex
> > >account they do not impose such a limit.  I can't speak
> > >for residential shipments, ut I have shipped radios in the
> > >$700 to $100 range and insured them for the full amount
> > >with Federal Express.
> > >
> > >I don't know where people are being told these limits but it has not
> > >happened to me at all.
> > >
> > > > 2. Do not ship any vintage radio over worth over $500 via FedEx; 
> they have
> > > > an "Exclusionary Rule" of $500 about anything of "Unusual Worth or 
> Value",
> > > > and they include vintage radios in that category.  I have seen a 
> thread in
> > > > here that suggests the limit is $100; my info is about 6 months old on
> > > > this, so they may have gotten even stingier.
> >
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