10/11 meter amps-my 2cents

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Sat Sep 22 11:39:04 EDT 2007

There have been certain "Q" signals used on phone
since at least before World War II.

Those include "QRM" meaning interference, "QRN"
meaning basically static, "QSL" when referring to that
post card sent to confirm a contact, "QTH" meaning
one's location, and "QSB" meaning fading of a signal.

Now I agree that there are certain amateur radio
operators who definitely either over-use or misuse "Q"
signals on phone.  For example, those who say "QSL"
repeating everything that was said by the other
operator(s).  But, certain "Q" signals have been part
of amateur radio "jargon" for going on a century.

I have been licensed continuously since 15 May 1959
and, frankly, I have used "Q" signals like QRM, QRN,
QSB, QTH, and QSL for my entire amateur radio life.

Now there are certain "terms" that many newcomers seem
to think have come from the "CB" ranks including
"handle, skip, and base station".  Frankly, "handle"
(meaning one's name) was "stolen" from amateur radio
operators by the "CBers".  However, amateur radio
operators "stole" the term from the old landline
telegraphers who, in turn, "stole" it from the cowboys
(cowpunchers, cowhands, etc.) of the old south and
southwest who have been documented as using the term
back at least as far as the 1830s.

"Skip" was used to describe the phenonomen of radio
frequency propagation by amateur radio operators and
commercial radio operators back in at least the late
1920s.  Just look at any ARRL Amateur Radio Operator's
Handbook from pre-World War II for the term "skip".

"Base station" was used by the commercial two-way
industry before World War II to describe a fixed
station.  Amateur radio operators who were operating
using the old commercial surplus FM (actually mostly
PM in modulation) equipment that became available in
the mid to late 1950s "stole" that term from the
commercial operators.  Now days many amateur radio
operators use that term to describe any fixed station.
 However, there are some people who really get "bent
out of shape" when they hear an amateur radio operator
use the term.  As for myself, since my background is
based in the commercial FM two-way arena, I really
have to "think" before calling any FM fixed station
anything but a "base station" and that includes my 10
meter FM, 6 meter FM, 222 MHz FM, and 440 MHz FM
stations.  Now I don't refer to my CW, SSB, AM, etc.,
fixed stations as "base stations" but I definitely do
NOT get "bent out of shape" when I hear someone else
refer to such equipment as their "base station".

Again, "Q" signals have been used on amateur radio
phone operation since phone type operation has been in
effect.  Now I do agree that there are certain amateur
radio operators who definitely "abuse" them, but at
least for those which have been used for decades I see
nothing wrong at all.

Glen, K9STH

--- Bry Carling <bcarling at CFL.RR.COM> wrote:

Also help them stop saying "Q" signals on voice,
WHY? Take this comment with a pinch of salt, but...
There is absolutely nothing wrong, illegal or
unethical about using  Q signals on voice, for crying
out loud.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

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