
Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 28 19:57:22 EDT 2007

To get really "picky" :>)

In 47 CFR Part 97 (the FCC regulations concerning the
Amateur Radio Service) the FCC "defines" 75 meters as
being the "phone" portion of the band and 80 meters as
the CW/data portion.  Since the "phone" portion now
goes down to 3600 KHz that means that 80% of the band
is "officially" 75 meters and only 20% is 80 meters
these days.

Of course this really makes a lot of "sense" (NOT!)
because the wavelength of 80 meters is the frequency
of 3750 KHz and you have to go all the way to 4000 KHz
to get a wavelength of 75 meters.  The lower end of
the band, 3500 KHz equates to a wavelength of about
85.7143 meters!

Now some amateur radio operators get really "bent out
of shape" when they "hear" someone refer to "phone"
operation in the 3500 KHz to 4000 KHz band as "80
meters" and even more so when someone refers to the
"CW" portion as "75 meters".  These days CW actually
goes from about 85.7143 meters to 83.3333 meters and
phone from 83.3333 meters to 75.000 meters.  Although
I personally refer to the "phone" portion as 75 meters
and the "CW" portion as 80 meters, I know what
frequency range the other person is referring to when
they say either "80 meter phone" or "75 meter CW". 
Therefore, when someone uses the "improper" term it is
just a "tempest in a teapot" (if even that).

Glen, K9STH

--- "Todd, KA1KAQ" <ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

Other than the occasional, rare 'quiet' night, most of
the low power guys run their Elmacs, cakepans, and
DX-60s mornings and days, or early evening before
things get loud.
OTOH, we hear a lot of low power stations down on 80m
AM. I've worked a number of ricebox mobiles and other
small rigs around 3710-3750. It's nice, really.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

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