Heathkit manuals... Copyright issues.

RAY FRIESS rayfrijr at MSN.COM
Sat Dec 13 11:03:23 EST 2008

If somone on the list has a heathkit schematic or downloaded a manual before and wants to swap with someone else
they are free to do it.  There's not thing one that the company can do about it.  The copyright may cover selling the
manual, but it does not cover giving it to someone if you have it.
I would imagine that by now, all of the Heathkit schematics and manuals are in possession of hams all over the
world, so Data Professionals really got zilch when they got the copyright.  They cannot legally or practically prevent me
or any other ham from giving a copy to another ham.   That's called private use.
> Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 08:59:21 -0700> From: k7jeb at COX.NET> Subject: Re: Heathkit manuals... Copyright issues.> To: BOATANCHORS at LISTS.TEMPE.GOV> > Robert Groh wrote:> > >> "On October 30, 2008, Data Professionals of> >> Pleasanton, CA purchased the Intellectual property> >> of the Heathkit legacy products from Heathkit in> >> Benton Harbor, Michigan. This rights to these> >> legacy products also includes the copyright. All> >> free manuals have been removed from this site in> >> compliance with copyright laws. "> > Lawrence Steeno wrote:> > > Is is still possible to swap between each other?> > Should one need an item and ask for it, could> > someone send it to them without a call from> > someones attorney? > > Well, I never thought I'd see the day when> boat-anchor radio schematics would become "warez".> What was that: "When schematics are outlawed, only> outlaws will have schematics."> > Fortunately, a thriving technology exists to> 'route around' this obstacle to free information> exchanges. I'm looking forward to seeing the BAMA> archives on Pirate Bay, accessible through the> usual TOR mechanisms or buried in a BitTorrent> somewhere. If all else fails, anonymously mailed> CD-ROM's could be traversing the country in> response to 'needs' posted on this list.> > Jim, K7JEB> > -----------------------------------------------------------> This list is a public service of the City of Tempe, Arizona> -----------------------------------------------------------> > Subscription control - http://www.tempe.gov/lists/control.aspx?list=BOATANCHORS> To post - BOATANCHORS at LISTS.TEMPE.GOV> Archives - http://lists.tempe.gov/archives/BOATANCHORS.html
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