GB> Old Resistors

Michael Tauson wh7hg.hi at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jan 24 01:19:43 EST 2010

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Brad Thompson <brad.thompson at> wrote:
> I've seen axial-lead, white-bodied resistors in post-WW II German-made
> consumer goods.  IIRC, the end seals around the leads were brown-colored.

That describes the ones I have nicely.  The ones I have come in three
general sizes larger than but mappable to 1/2, 1 and 2 watt carbon
comp resistors.  These would have come out of US military equipment
only I have absolutely no clue what it was.  From what I've been told
in private email, the ceramic shell is for improved heat dissipation
which makes sense.

Elden sent me a lead to the 1939 Radio Shack catalog and Chuck sent me
the URL for a photo from one of MIT Rad Labs books (Components) that
showed resistors used in the 1940-1945 period.  Thank you, gentlemen.
Beyond them, I have a digital copy of the 1936 ARRL handbook that
seems to be able to fill in some more gaps but the dogbones are still
a small problem.   It will one day not be a problem.

In any case, progress is being made.  :-)

Best regards,

Michael, WH7HG
Hiki Nô!

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