FS: Harvey Wells Bandmaster Z-Match Antenna Tuner

William Henneberry kn2x at VERIZON.NET
Thu May 27 19:01:15 EDT 2010

kd4e wrote:
> FS:  Harvey Wells Bandmaster Z-Match Antenna Tuner
> Classic 1950's shack accessory - it was marketed for
> 80-10M continuous but it will tune down to 160m.
> (Note:  Ham access to 160m was allowed but severely
> restricted in 1955, then loosened some in 1968.)
> Internal SWR/Power Meter:
> Switched 0-10, 0-100, 0-1000 Watt scales.
> Internal 50 Ohm dummy load.
> High quality EF-Johnson variable capacitors and Air-Dux inductors.
> Matches 50 ohm tx to reactive and nonreactive loads of
> 10-2500 Ohms. It is said by some to be superior to the excellent "EF 
> Johnson 275 Match Box".  I bought this
> for my boatanchor station which I recently sold.
> Pictures on request.
> Asking $95., or reasonable offer, plus actual shipping.
Bill KN2X writes:  That's a good price if cosmetic condition is good.  
You both may remember my "z match" phase when I built a few.  For 
anybody who likes ordinary ham radio, this is a bargain.  Also, it can 
be used directly with balanced or unbalanced lines. 

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