[Boatanchors] Tool query

J. Forster jfor at quikus.com
Wed Jul 27 18:29:20 EDT 2011

There are special tools for some brands.

Switchcraft made a thing with a screwdriver handle. The business end was a
collet with internally serrateed teeth. Problem is, there is a wide
variety of knurls on the ring nots.

The wrong knurl and it's worse than useless.

You might have some luck wiuth soft-jaw MS connector pliers.



> I'm refurbing a Halli S-40B. There's four toggle switches and an headphone
> jack that are secured to the front panel by those @#$%^%$ "ring nuts" (if
> that's what they're called). Trying to get them off/on with pliers always
> results in them (and perhaps other parts as well) getting buggered up when
> the pliers slip off, etc. Surely there is a special tool made just for
> these things. Any of you guys out there know of such and if so, where one
> can be acquired?
> Thanks and 73 to all,
> Bob
> AG5X
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