[Boatanchors] Allied Radio SX-190

John Kolb jlkolb at jlkolb.cts.com
Wed Apr 16 15:52:54 EDT 2014

Like others, I once owned the SX-190 and liked it.
It's not an SPR-4, but was beautiful enough to go
in the living room and the combination of ceramic
filter and Q multiplier worked well.

Mark Rehorst did a rather complete collection of
ads, reviews and modification articles for the AX/SX-190
including an article I wrote on modifying the bandswitch 
for more ranges below 10 MHz.  Collection available 
in a rar file at his site 
Click on "here" to get it.


---- Bob Jackson <bob145 at suddenlink.net> wrote:
> Guys - I have no idea about the good/bad points of this rig. So, I went to eHam.net for some info. There's only two "reviews" of this set there and both speak very highly of it. One even compares it very favorably to the likes of an SPR-4, and HR-500 and a Collins 75-S3. That's a bit hard for me to swallow SO, I'm coming to you for the "straight skinny"! 
> Your opinions, please ...

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