[Boatanchors] [FLBOATANCHORS] dx 100b meter
Ray, W4BYG
w4byg at att.net
Tue Aug 9 16:02:52 EDT 2016
I have a number of maybe similar panel meters. Can you refresh me on
the manufacturer, size and value? Maybe you could match the basic meter
movement and change the faceplate.
Ray, W4BYG
On 8/9/2016 10:52 AM, RAY FRIESS rayfrijr at msn.com [FLBOATANCHORS] wrote:
> Anyone have a spare DX100 or 100b meter in the junk box they would let
> go to assist the restoration of this great rig?
> Many years ago, the filter caps in the negative voltage circuit blew
> up and I put the rig on the shelf for future restoration.
> Recently I got the desire to put this rig back on the air and I
> replaced the caps. ( I was amazed how much caps have shrunk in
> size over the years. Higher value and voltage capability caps are
> about one quarter the size of the originals).
> Great success ... last night the rig put out power, which I can see
> on a watt meter, but the needle on the meter is stuck about
> one third of the way up and I get no readings, or sporadic readings
> when I switch through the various positions.
> I'm going to contact clean the switch contacts, but I'm still
> concerned about the needle stuck in position.
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Posted by: RAY FRIESS <rayfrijr at msn.com>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> __,_._,___
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