[nsp] ATM encapsulations, which is best
Temkin, David
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:14:02 -0500
1Mbps in cells per second is approximately 2359cps.
The algorhythm to figure CPS in an almost exact number is to take the kbps
and divide by 424
Ie, a T1 at 1536000bps would be 3622cps
So, no, that's not correct. Your ISP is trying to hose you.
Aal5snap is fine. Aal5ciscoppp just adds overhead you don't need for a
straight IP link unless you need to do TCP or RTP header compression (which
I doubt..)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TMS [mailto:tomek@absolut.vinyl.pl]
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 12:00 PM
> To: cisco-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Subject: [nsp] ATM encapsulations, which is best
> Hello
> I have connection to my ISP via ATM OC3c fiber optic link.
> Link capacity is 10Mbps IP.
> My ISP declared that "1Mbps IP = 1100 PCR in Kbps" (vbr-nrt
> as ATM contract. Is this setting is correct ?
> This ATM/AAL5 encapsulation is best for point-to-point ATM
> links ? For now I using "aal5snap", but maybe "aal5mux ip" or
> "aal5ciscoppp" is better for IP link ? Is any good document
> which describes diffrences between ATM/aal5 encapsulations
> (aal5snap, aal5mux, aal5ciscoppp) ?
> --
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